Not only on mother’s day: integration is above all also a women’s issue

Not only on Mother's Day: integration is above all also a women's issue

In the skf project "reality of life in bavaria," which is initially scheduled to last one year recognized refugee women to learn about german culture. The series of events also included a creative activity for mother’s day, during which beautiful pictures were created together.
"In my home country syria there is also a mother’s day. We celebrate on 21. Marz and there are also presents and flowers like here in germany", diana tells. The 20-year-old is one of three young refugee women who took part in a creative mother’s day project organized by the social service of catholic women (skf) in kronach. Also taking up paint and brushes was padagogin B.A. Anna scheiblich, who runs the project "lebenswirklichkeit in bayern in kronach leads, as well as "mama" frieda, who is very involved in refugee work.
At the beginning, the five women could decide on a particular motif as a pattern. "Your picture doesn’t have to look the same. This is only a small help. Just paint what you like", the head of the painting course, dagmar hanel, encouraged her "schoolgirls," who were still looking quite skeptical at first.
Painted with acrylics on canvas. It didn’t matter if one or the other brushstroke was a little off the mark. "This can be wiped off again as long as the paint is not dry yet", she explained, while helping the group a bit with the background design. After the first tentative attempts, things actually got better and better. In less than two hours, joyful pictures with colorful flowers or atmospheric sunsets were created. The group itself was as happy as their paintings. Although the five were concentrated on their work, there was also a lively exchange of ideas. There is always something to report, and there was news: diana has moved with her mother solafa from kups to kronach. With the model project of the ministry of integration "reality in bavaria the free state calls for culture and values education especially for women in bavaria who are entitled to stay. "Practical and low-threshold offers are intended to reach the women and at the same time get to know everyday and cultural life", anna scheiblich explains.
The skf with its local associations in aschaffenburg, nurnberg, southeast bavaria (prien), schweinfurt and kronach is implementing this model project according to the respective local conditions. The background to this is that, according to bavaria’s minister for family and integration, emilia muller, women play a key role in integration. They are to be supported with the project.